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I was unable to say goodbye.



Beauty had a Beehive: Part 1

She had a dazzling eye, big forehead, blonde hair, white skin, and a bright soul every man could love her. She was so easy to love that every time she smiled flowers would bloom out of shyness.

But she never craved intimacy, she was very expressive like a bee collecting the Honey every time she whispered. Like an Open Book, she was so easy to read and able to know her.

Even though she had no one from her family but she had Friends, an Old Neighborhood Family, and a Maid to whom she was like a Flower from their Backyard.

But from her Backyard, she had a very poisonous snake, an uncle who was filthy scum always had a bad intention to her in the back of his mind. He would touch her often to which she always pushed him away and made sure he walks out of her home as soon as possible.

Her Name was Anu

As soon as the first rays of sunlight fell, A bright day with colorful birds flying around, the spirits were high as the day was perfectly set because today a bright soul ' Anu ' had her Birthday.

We can hear the cracking sound of the alarm coming straight out of her home which is been getting snooze again and again.

At the door, we can hear a voice shouting ' Anu ' "wake up you lazy bum", 

That's her Maid ' Aunt Merry ', Aunt Merry was more than a maid to her, she looked after Anu from a very early age when both of her parents had died in a car accident.

Today Bright Soul Anu is turning to sweet 18, so Aunt Merry made sure she is early at her home with some Yellow Roses and a Home Baked Almond Cake, Anu Loved Almond Cake she could even eat it the whole day for that matter.

Now let us peep inside her home to witness the beautiful scenario, The Door is still ringing Anu realizes it is Aunt Merry, Anu quickly opens her eyes and hurls the blanket, and storms towards the door.

As she opens the door, She looks around no one seems to be there at that moment Flowers fall from the top, and Aunt Merry starts singing ' Wish you a very Happy Birthday ' Anu Smiles and Hugs her she is so Excited.

Sweet little teardrops cascade into happiness as Anu hugs Aunt Merry and whispers 
' Thank you for everything '. 

' you don't have to be thank you for anything, we are blessed to see you as our daughter ' aunt merry replied.

From the top of the home, Merry's husband was singing, wishing, and made sure flowers fell on Anu.

Aunt Merry kissed Anu on her forehead and tells 
' Let's go inside and celebrate ' 
' Ya, even the flower rain is been stoped '
both smile and Aunt Merry calls her husband 'hey, old man get down smoothly and come inside'.

As soon as the door shuts down, Anu and Aunt Merry walk inside,  the Pendulum clock swings it was 9 am. Anu realizes that she and her friend Veena had to visit the tailor, Both of them were about dress in beautiful attire, her friend Veena had planned this for Anu's Birthday.

'I have to go, It's already 9 am Veena will be waiting for me '
' Ok but what about your breakfast '
' I will come back soon and have along with Veena '
' Ok, then get ready soon '
' sure, I'm flying now '

Anu gets ready quickly and leaves the home, as Aunt Merry and her Husband lookout together towards 'Anu' a Happy Bird flying.

One might have heard the filthy Guy, Right! Anu's uncle always had a bad intention towards her. He to had a plan for that day but his car had broken down. 

He had a Big Thick Body and mind as well he was furious that his car had broken down. But sometimes the detour takes us towards our real destiny.

He was at the Garage which happens to be the side of the Tailors shop where Anu and her friend Veena had given the dress for stitching. 

Uncle's name was ' Abhay ' he was one filthy scum who always wanted all the good things for himself no matter if he deserved it or no.

Abhay with his car down at the pavement talking to the mechanic to fix it as soon as possible, He then looks around notices ' Anu ' with her friend, Smiling talking to each other.

Veena: ' It's perfect Anu '
Anu: ' oh yes, It's so beautiful '
Veena: ' you're going to look so Good '

He then smiles like a cunning Hyena, sets his hair, and rushes towards her.

Abhay: ' Oh look what we have here (Looking at her dress), Nice dress Anu, But I think you'd look better wearing nothing at all '.

Anu: Uncle please behave urself, take a long walk back home.

Abhay: ' Hey listen, " I'm just kidding " Anu I know there is a party tonight right, But why can't we both go towards the seaside, now that my car is all fixed '.

Anu: ' I'm Busy and I have friends coming tonight I can't leave them '.

Abhay: ' I know you have a celebration but we can come back soon, Uncle has a plan especially for you '. 

Anu: ' No, I have to Wash My Hair and get ready and somebody already has asked me for a special celebration '.

Abhay in Furious: ' Who? , Is it that loser Stephen '

Stephen was a college mate of Anu, both were really good friends, Stephen liked Anu but was scared of her uncle. Once Stephen had a short basketball game with uncle Abhay, uncle being big and thick dominated him and had hit him hard.

Anu: ' No, I have many more friends like him, I'm going with them '.

Abhay grabbing her shoulder: ' You're going with me, understand? '

Anu: get your dirty hands off me!
Takes off his hands and steps behind.

Abhay: ' You dumb Girl, When you're going to understand that you're My Girl, It's me with whom you should be there '.

Anu: ' Don't you feel ashamed of yourself, Your twice the age as mine and don't have a little respect for a girl, I will never be your girl, You Idiot '.

Kicks his leg and starts running back towards the bus which has been started moving a few moments ago from the bus stop, Meanwhile Uncle Abhay groans at the hit to his leg and starts to walk behind Anu.

He looks at the bus and yells. . . ' I will take you out, you don't know how much I have waited for this day '.

Uncle Breathing Hard, Looks towards the leaving bus and says ' I will be there for you '.


Fiction Story

Welcome to Bunty Tales of Short Stories

So here is a Caught in a Web Story In a world of Websites, there was a Digital Marketer who worked so heavily that his page never made it to top the list on SEO, or not even on the first page of it. As any individual who would feel sad even he to broke up from within lost his rhythm and thought of giving up. But wait! Story begins from here when plagiarism of pleasure, replicates in his life Alcohol, Smoking, and Nostalgic memories burst all at once. "Funny is it, Right" as the rise of self-doubt arises we fail to understand how far we have come along. Analysis of Paralysis  had arrested him when every time he talked to himself. Sun was about to rise and Butterflies were about to fly, Seriously No, But he expressed his feeling of lost and repeated failures on his BLOG. "EUREKA" this simple post happens to connect with the people who had been through the same phase of life  as he was right now and had overcome it. Jiggle, Jiggle of happiness burst inside within hi

I was unable to say goodbye.

 I was unable to say goodbye. The world is wondering what shall be the last thoughts for the Covid-19 patient been admitted to the hospital and is just a few moments away from death. He will take his final breath alone, Helpless unable to grieve properly, But h e must keep going to survive the aftermath. The depression is beyond measure. The despair is unending, The anxiety is stifling. After all who would have thought that the flu was gonna be a threat to the whole of Mankind. That Doctors would be unable to treat, causing so many deaths. I dare ask this of the creator, don't you see the suffering weep? Or are our sins too great a burden to bear? Is it that mankind has committed mistakes that are beyond repair?   A glimmer of light in these dark times, A sign that Mankind still has a chance. Maybe this is the End of the End, Maybe mankind was meant to go this way.  But if prayers are answered then this is my sincere request for the human race  "O God, Give us the strength to